
Donate food for homeless in San Diego

3/27/2021 & 3/28/2021 为低收入家庭和无家可归人士收集食物活动,需要你的再次支持!🥫🧃🍯🍗🍫 Donate food for homeless in San Diego They need your help! 时间Time:3/27-28 16:00-18:00 地址Address: PHILZ COFFEE 12873 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO Only need to take food to above address. 您只需要将车开到上述地址,不用下车,我们会帮助您搬运。 送人玫瑰 手留余香!


Twins panda were born in Berlin Zoo

8/31/2019 The twins were born on Aug. 31 to Meng Meng, 6, and Jiao Qing, 9, the only giant panda couple living at Berlin Zoo in Germany. The parents and newborns belong to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, a Chinese research center.